5 Ways To Reduce Hot Water Use For Energy Savings
Do you know that your water heater is one home appliance that uses the most electricity, next to your furnace and AC?
We use hot water for a number of things on a daily basis: showering, washing, dishes. All that hot water usage adds up.
This made us think: there have to be people like us out there who want to trim down the energy bill. We’ve already covered how to reduce costs with your furnace and air conditioner–but you can’t forget about your water heater.
Here are a few tips to use less hot water and less energy to save money.
Image from http://www.iking-glasswool.com/ Insulate Exposed Pipes
How many times have you run the tap, constantly testing it with your finger until the right temperature is reached? We are wasting a lot of water waiting for it to be “just right.” You will help the water stay cooler as it moves to your taps by insulating exposed water pipes which means it takes less time to heat up.
You may use the pop-on insulating foam sleeves designed especially for your pipes. They can be found in local hardware stores, and are a good investment that will save both water and money for you.
Use A Cover For Your Water Tank
Older water tanks don’t have the insulation built-in that new tanks do. In Canada, insulation levels are measured in standby loss. It means you have to pay more to keep the water dry, and you will end up running more water to hit the temperature you want.
The addition of an insulating jacket to a hot water heater will help you boost efficiency by reducing the amount of heat lost.
Repair Leaks Right Away
Really the leaks will add up. Yet hot water leaks cost you even more money wherever they are-not to mention potential damage to your house.
All the plumbing fixtures and hot water heaters should be checked regularly for potential leakages. Do not forget to check your home’s drywall for signs of leaks, particularly on the ceilings and walls below the bathrooms upstairs.
Never Leave The Water Running
As we wash our faces, brush our teeth, do the dishes or get ready for the shower, it’s easy to leave the water running. But basically, this is money down the drain. Not only does all that hot water show up on your water bill but also on your energy bill.
Start breaking bad habits by putting up a little note at your taps, telling everyone in your household to shut off the water when they don’t need it.
Purchase An Energy-Star Rated Water Heater
One good way to use less hot water is to get a modern, high-efficiency water heater.
But not just any water heater can do the trick: you need a tankless water heater to really make a difference in your bill.
The best thing about tankless water heaters is they heat water only when you need it. No more paying for hot water that’s just out there, waiting to be called in. Instead, when you need it, you will be having the hot water you need. Shaul’s will help you decide if a tankless water heater is the best option for you.
If you need more expert advice to reduce hot water use and save energy, or if you need us to install your tankless water heater, call us at 778-397-4850.